Sunday, January 08, 2006

The monsoon comes to Singapore in December and January, and during that time I've learned that you can expect a good rainstorm every afternoon, if not for the entire day. I think we're going on about 72 hours of constant rain right now. I love it though! The main reason I love it is that it gives me a small comfort that Singapore has at least two seasons- the hot and the monsoon. Well, it's still pretty humid and warm even when it rains, but at least it's not nearly as hot as usual! Plus, rain makes it a wee bit more winter-like. And Singapore is equipped for the monsoon, unlike many other cities in Southeast Asia. There must be a good drainage system here because I don't see water sitting around on the roads. If this were Chiangmai, for example, the water in the streets would be a good foot or two deep by now. Instead, I can go out with my umbrella and merrily walk through the empty streets and come home only with a slightly wet hem.

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